Cord blood storage increasingly routine but problematic

April 28, 2014
cordbloodOn its front page, the Wall Street Journal (4/26, A1, Searcey, Stewart, Subscription Publication) reported on the burgeoning business of cord blood storage and use, pointing out that asking parents if they want to save a baby’s cord blood is becoming increasingly routine but is destined for a $4 billion industry that the Journal says is only lightly regulated and contains plenty of problems.

It says it reviewed lawsuits and government inspections and found instances of storage in dirty conditions, leaking samples of blood, and firms that simply went out of business. Saving cord blood cryogenically can cost nearly $2,000, but some firms that collect the money are just marketing fronts that attract customers, take their money, and then outsource the rest of the business. It also reviews progress in using cord blood.
Article courtesy American Medical Association

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