March 11, 2014
Washington (AFP) – A further 940,000 Americans registered for President Barack Obama’s health care plans in February, bringing to 4.2 million the number of people who have signed up so far, officials said Tuesday. The White House also geared up for what it said would be “surge of enrollment” for the system, now a malfunctioning website that hampered the key law’s roll out has been fixed, before a March 31 deadline.
“As more Americans are learning just how affordable market place plans can be, more are signing up to get coverage,” said Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.
The new figures were unveiled on a day that comedy website “Laugh or Die” unveiled a new online video of the president braving the satirical jabs of comedian Zach Galifianakis, to market the plan to the site’s young fans. For the system to work, Obamacare must attract young, healthy registrants who do not claim for big budget care to subsidize older, sicker patients who have also signed up.
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